Equitas Shakthi

by Equitas Small Finance Bank Ltd



Saha Vriddhi Loan is a loan to fulfill your dreams be it an investment in household business, meeting out expenses of kith and kin’s marriage or any other social obligations, kids’ education or renovating a part of home or buying a household gadget. The loan is exclusive for organizations that have formal tie-up with Equitas Small Finance Bank. If there is no tie up, please ask your HR to reach out to nearest Equitas Bank or write to [email protected]. Bank will reach out to your organization to have a tie up. You should be a working professional between 24 to 55 years old with minimum two years vintage in same organization. Your organization should have a formal tie up with Equitas Small Finance Bank. You should apply as minimum 5 member group (colleagues / co-workers). All of the group members should work in same unit/location. All the members should be married. Minimum salary should be Rs. 6000 and should get credited into bank account. You should have resided in same address for last two years minimum. There should be no overdue if you have taken any loans and should be willing to open account with Equitas Bank. Bank will check the bureau reports (from Credit Information Companies) of all eligible household members. Please note that loan approval is subject to bank’s eligible norms and loan disbursement is sole discretion of Bank.